Shyam Kannan
Northeast US Transportation Planning Lead, HDR, Inc.
D.C. is leading the nation in transit ridership recovery, showcasing the critical role of public transit in driving sustainable growth and vibrant communities. With the ridership recovery momentum and sizable development opportunities to expand the region’s transit friendly urban fabric, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) shows tremendous promise to help define and enhance the entire region well into the future.
This panel brings together transit agency representatives and industry leaders to explore the opportunities and challenges shaping TOD across the D.C. region. The discussion will dive into innovative approaches to developing WMATA-owned land through public-private partnerships, private investment near transit hubs, and lessons from transformative projects like the Silver Line Extension and Union Station’s redevelopment. Topics will also include promising ongoing and future developments like the Purple Line and RFK stadium site. Looking ahead, panelists will analyze emerging trends in TOD, funding strategies such as TIFIA and RRIF, and actionable solutions to unlock the full potential of TOD in promoting equitable, sustainable, and connected communities.
Please join Vicki Davis, Managing Partner at Urban Atlantic; Katie Cristol, Chief Executive Officer with Tysons Community Alliance; Justin Kennel, Vice President at Bozzuto Development Company; Steven Segerlin, Head of Commercial Development with Amtrak and additional panelists to be named later, for a forward-thinking conversation about how TOD can continue to shape the region’s future. The panel will be moderated by Shyam Kannan, LEED AP, the Mid-Atlantic Transit Lead with HDR.
Northeast US Transportation Planning Lead, HDR, Inc.
Managing Partner, Urban Atlantic
Chief Executive Officer, Tysons Community Alliance
Head - Commercial Development, Amtrak
Vice President, Bozzuto Development Company