What We Offer
Technical Assistance Panels: Because Today’s Issues Can’t Wait
Bringing the finest expertise in the real estate field to bear on land use planning and development projects, programs, and policies, ULI Washington’s Technical Assistance program convenes multidisciplinary panels of member experts to offer unbiased technical assistance for challenging problems facing DC-area communities.
Ideal for nonprofit, public, and private organizations that need independent solutions for specific land use and real estate development challenges, the Technical Assistance program tailors its offerings to each organization’s needs via several panel formats of varying intensity and duration.
ULI Washington offers Technical Assistance Panels in DC, northern Virginia, and southern Maryland. Contact us for more information.
What’s a TAP?
A Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) is a 2-day session in which local development professionals offer recommendations for a specific site/issue. Our 2-day format allows for an in-depth briefing day composed of a tour of the site and meetings with sponsor representatives, an afternoon of interviews with 20-30 community representatives, followed by a sponsor dinner with 7-10 panelists. The second day is devoted to formulating recommendations and culminates with the panel’s oral presentation of its findings to the sponsor, which can opt to hold the presentation publicly. A written report is prepared and published.
Who are the Panelists?
A TAP consists of unpaid volunteers from the 2,200 ULI members in the Washington
District Council chosen specifically for each assignment. Panelists usually include at least one for-profit or nonprofit developer, designer and/or planner, market and/or financial analyst, and a regulatory expert. Panelists with a potential conflict of interest will be deferred for other opportunities.
If you’re a ULI Washington member interested in becoming a TAP panelist, please reach out to Marc Gazda, ULI Washington Manager, at [email protected].
What are the Deliverables?
The TAP findings and recommendations are delivered in a presentation to the Sponsor and/or public at the end of each 1-2 day-long panel. Several months after the TAP workshop and presentation a final report is compiled that summarizes the panel process and recommendations.
What is the Application Process?
Potential Sponsors can apply to the TAP program at any time by submitting a completed application to [email protected]. After receiving an application, members of the TAP committee will arrange an initial meeting to understand and refine the assignment and objectives as well as identify key issues. Decisions on whether the committee can accept the panel assignment will be determined shortly after the initial meeting.
How much lead time is necessary?
A three- to four-month lead-time is necessary to provide sufficient time to assemble the best available panel members, compile briefing materials and plan for the logistics of the TAP program. ULI Washington charges a fee for each of its panels to cover associated costs and staff time.
Why Choose Us?
ULI Washington can deliver honest, unbiased answers to our sponsors’ questions. We are uniquely positioned with the flexibility to swiftly formulate, manage and implement on-call dynamic Technical Assistance Panels on a relatively short notice. In addition, our experienced panelists are prepared to address both location-specific and larger high level public policy analysis, providing the sponsor with a unique and comprehensive review. To learn more about the TAP program or to request an application, please contact Marc Gazda, ULI Washington Manager at [email protected].